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Will the VR application replace a paramedic during first aid training?


Modern technology is developing in an unprecedented way, introducing innovations that not only change our perception of reality, but also the processes of learning and training. We increasingly notice that virtual reality (VR) applications are taking over part of the education process, including first aid training. As technology develops, these applications not only simulate scenarios, but also integrate elements of reality, providing participants with interactivity that is difficult to achieve in traditional training.

Paramedic vs vr

Do companies actually use VR applications during First Aid training?

Let's start by recalling a few specific cases of customers who successfully use our VR applications during training. Among them, Corning is particularly worth mentioning, where occupational health and safety specialists actively use our applications for first aid training.

You can learn about how other customers use our VR applications in the "Customer Stories" section

What does CIOP (Central Institute for Labor Protection) think about VR training?

The Central Institute for Labor Protection (CIOP) pays particular attention to the benefits of using virtual reality (VR) technology in training. According to CIOP, one of the most common applications of VR is in the area of training, especially where training in real conditions carries a risk to health and life.

Immersive virtual reality techniques, characterized by a high degree of immersion, enable trained people to have great freedom of action and movement, which favors the development of muscle memory. This, in turn, has a positive impact on developing the ability to perform work efficiently. During the simulation, the trainee can interact with purely virtual objects, such as moving objects or starting machines.

VR technologies are not only perfect for training on proper operating procedures, but also allow for the assessment of decisions and actions taken. The software, based on freely designed scenarios, is able to detect any deviations from applicable procedures and immediately present their consequences to trainees, e.g. explosion or fire.

 first aid training exam results

A particularly important aspect is the ability to engage muscle memory - the movements performed in the virtual environment are identical to those undertaken in reality while performing work. A comprehensive training system based on virtual reality technologies enables the creation of various scenarios with the simultaneous participation of many people, especially the commander who can direct the activities of an entire group of employees, such as firefighters or rescuers.

Advantages and disadvantages of using VR technology

Let's take a deeper look at VR technology to better understand the benefits of a modern approach to medical training, while considering the potential challenges that may arise.



Realistic Simulations

  • VR applications are revolutionizing first aid training, enabling precise reproduction of the conditions of incident scenes.

  • Simulations of realistic situations prepare participants for various scenarios in an interactive and safe way

Safe Threat Simulations

  • Thanks to VR technology, it is possible to safely simulate threats and emergency situations, eliminating the risk for participants. Elements of reality, such as phantoms or felt touch, increase the authenticity of the training.

  • There is no need to stage situations in VR training. It may happen that not every training participant or rescuer has acting skills and may feel rather uncomfortable in the role of a witness to an accident or an injured person. Thanks to the use of intelligent virtual characters, participants can conduct conversations, collect medical information and engage in rescue operations. These characters will answer specific questions, which increases the reality and effectiveness of the training.

Availability and Flexibility

Virtual reality (VR) training is a ready-made tool that allows you to conduct training anywhere and anytime. Eliminating the need to depend on the availability of a paramedic translates into lower rental costs and increases the availability of training. We are not talking here about specialized first aid training, but rather about initial or periodic training, where the scope of training is limited and based on specific procedures.

Motivation and Commitment

With the growing interest and popularity of virtual reality (VR) training, more and more research is focused on assessing its effectiveness. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) also undertook an analysis of this issue, and the results obtained are extremely interesting.

  • The virtual environment used in training has been identified as a factor that increases participants' motivation by providing attractive and interactive experiences. According to the latest research, participants in virtual reality training show engagement at a level 3.75 times higher than in the case of traditional training. Find out more about engagement research at the link

  • Higher participant involvement translates into greater self-confidence during real rescue operations. Virtual reality training respondents in surveys reported feeling as much as 300% more self-confident after such training. Find out more about engagement research at the link

Individualization of Training

  • VR technology allows training to be tailored to the individual needs of participants. The virtual trainer explains medical procedures step by step. Each participant completes the training at their own pace, and the results of training sessions are saved on our platform. Thanks to virtual reality, we can also diagnose the general level of knowledge in a given area in our organization.

  • The ability to personalize training increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching process.

Cost and Time Reduction

  • Virtual reality (VR) technology opens new perspectives for remote training, eliminating the need to travel and the associated costs. Thanks to the multiplayer function, the first aid instructor can participate in the training even while being hundreds of kilometers away - either from home or another office - and actively cooperate with the participants. Currently, our package includes an application enabling joint training called SAMPLE AI. However, it is worth emphasizing that we are working to make this functionality a standard.

  • Preparing mocks in first aid training is often time-consuming and expensive, including the creation of artificial wounds and remuneration for the helpers. Additionally, the repeatability of the simulation depends on the artistic skills of the rescuers or people working for them. Virtual reality allows you to reduce the amount of equipment and people necessary to conduct the simulation. Of course, it can be noted that VR glasses are needed, which also generate costs. However, the operation of these devices does not require artistic skills, and moreover, these glasses enable many different simulation scenarios and are easily repeatable for the helpers. Importantly, there is no need to incur costs related to remunerating people participating in simulations. It is worth adding that the remuneration for helpers will be with each training, while the purchase of VR goggles is one-time, which contributes to long-term financial savings.

  • Reducing training time through intense and focused sessions in virtual reality can significantly contribute to more effective knowledge acquisition. According to research conducted by PwC (which we mentioned earlier), learning in virtual reality glasses is four times faster than in the case of traditional classes in a training room.


  • AI speech recognition : Thanks to speech recognition based on artificial intelligence, the system can respond to voice commands of training participants. This facilitates interaction and enables practical exercises using voice commands.

  • Hand tracking : Hand tracking technology allows you to precisely track your arm and hand movements without the need to use controllers. Participants can simulate rescue operations using natural gestures, which increases the realism and engaging nature of the training. We write more about why it is worth using hand detection technology in the article " Don't waste time learning to play with controllers, use your own hands "

  • Compatibility with phantoms : VR is compatible with phantoms, enabling the simulation of rescue situations on medical phantoms. This allows for realistic practice using phantoms in a safe virtual environment.



Equipment Failures

  • The possibility of equipment failure may affect the smoothness of training, requiring additional technical support.

Need for Wi-Fi access

  • VR training requires access to Wi-Fi, which may be a limitation in places with poor network infrastructure. It is worth noting that we are currently working on the latest solution that will allow you to use our applications without Wi-Fi access from next year

Problems with the Application

  • The possibility of problems with the operation of the application may negatively affect the course of the training

Lack of Full Technique Visualization

  • Some apps do not fully demonstrate how to properly position the injured person's hands.

  • It is worth having the first aid course instructor supplement this knowledge through practical demonstrations of hand positioning on training participants.

Paramedic from vr application

Our First Aid training


We have made every effort to ensure that our application is not only a comprehensive solution for organizing initial and periodic training, but also supports professionals during specialized training.

When to use VR applications as a First Aid training tool?

During initial and periodic training, when the presence of a paramedic is not required and the training can be conducted by the employer or a person hired by the employer for this purpose, our training can be used as a ready-made and comprehensive solution during the "First Aid" module (Principles of conduct in the event of an accident during work and in hazardous situations, including first aid). Our offer includes eight First Aid training courses and they include, among others: first aid, wound dressing, burns, Sample interview. You can find more about our First Aid training courses along with application descriptions at the link VR applications for training | EHS VR

How can our applications be useful during training where the presence of a paramedic is required?

Cost Reduction: Thanks to the use of our innovative technology, we eliminate the need to engage additional people to participate in training, which translates into a significant reduction in costs related to the helper's remuneration or organization of the simulation.

Maintaining focus : Moving part of the training to the virtual world introduces

variability and new, intriguing perspectives, which keeps participants interested for a long time. Interactive elements in the virtual environment engage participants, requiring their active participation and focus, which counteracts the monotony of training.

Realistic scenarios : Our advanced application uses innovative visual technologies to provide training participants with realistic and immersive experiences. Through virtual threat scenarios, the application not only presents, but even takes participants into an environment full of realistic situations, victims and their injuries. Participants have the opportunity to meet virtual victims who see their injuries in a way that imitates real conditions. This enables a better understanding of the nature of injuries and more effective learning of emergency care skills.

Reduction of Social Barriers: The VR application revolutionizes the training process by eliminating the need to participate in simulations or role-playing scenes. This approach is particularly beneficial for participants who are naturally shy or may feel uncomfortable participating in traditional simulations.

Symbiosis between technology and man

To sum up, VR technology greatly expands educational horizons, engaging participants in a way that has not been possible before. Its interactivity, realism and ability to sharpen the senses are a revolution in the training process. Nevertheless, the role played by a human being - an experienced paramedic - cannot be ignored. Their empathy and skills are not replaceable by technology.

The highest value seems to be the synergy between both forms of learning. Combining technology with human interaction can produce the most effective results. Properly used, the symbiosis between VR technology and real paramedics can become the key to excellent first aid training, where acquiring knowledge goes hand in hand with practical experience. Combining their forces will enable the creation of more effective, attractive and interactive training environments that will prepare us for unpredictable life situations.

When choosing a VR application for first aid training, trainers should take care to provide participants with information that was not provided by the application. Attention should be paid to aid techniques, such as positioning the injured person's hands and presenting all emergency scenarios.

Invitation to Take Free Tests

We believe that the best way to understand the potential of our innovative first aid VR applications is to try them yourself. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to take advantage of our free tests.

During the tests, you will have the opportunity to assess for yourself whether our applications provide you with sufficient practical skills and whether the knowledge they provide is comprehensive. Your opinion is extremely valuable to us, so we encourage you to share your observations regarding the usability, intuitiveness and overall effectiveness of our training tools.

It is worth noting that our VR applications have been carefully prepared to enable training to be conducted without the need for the presence of a paramedic. However, you, as the person providing the training, have full freedom to decide whether you want to use the help of a professional during training.

The link to sign up for free tests is below

Are you interested in what our applications look like? Watch a short video:

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