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VR training during COVID-19
During the pandemic, the possibility of group training was very thin. Practical individual training is very expensive. The alternative are automatic systems for VR training
Training automation
Oculus goggles in combination with CleanBox make it possible to automate training. After putting on the goggles, the employee logs in with his data and starts selected training modules. After completing the training, he puts away the goggles, which are then cleaned in the CleanBox. Training results are sent to the system.
Cleanbox is a UV-C cleaning technology that removes viruses including SARS-CoV-2. Cleanbox has confirmed in the form of tests that the device removes the virus and has a 99.9% efficiency
Oculus Quest goggles are equipped with a hand tracking system, so everything that happens in the application is performed almost 1: 1 as in reality.
Hand tracking eliminates goggle controllers and reduces the goggle barrier to a minimum. Therefore, people with different experience are able to quickly adapt this technology and use it during training.

Just-in-time training
Training can be conducted individually when an employee has been assigned to do so.
It may be a scheduled date or in the so-called "in the meantime" during downtimes or breaks.
Individual trainings will ensure that there will be no shortage of employees at workplaces and will increase the efficiency of the entire company.


• Virtual trainer
In the application we have an internal trainer who teaches the employee how to use the goggles and how to perform subsequent tasks in the application. Applications that are most often used by our clients in automatic mode include:
First Aid BLS and AED VR
Fire training VR
Training results in the system
As part of the platform, you always have access to data in which you can check who and when was trained using the application, and what results they achieved. Additionally, you can connect our platform with any LMS (eLearning) platform and have the results in your platform.
Check employee performance
Track what progress your employees are making
Trial evacuation
A trial evacuation carries a great deal of danger during a pandemic due to the approach of people in groups. Practical training also in groups is limited and organizing them individually is very expensive. That is why it is worth using technology and conducting practical training in virtual reality.

Installation of the system takes about 10 minutes
1. Place - preferably a conference room or a space of about 3x3 meters where employees will be able to move freely in the virtual world
2. CleanBox and VR Goggles - each employee cleans the goggles before and after using the goggles
3. Paper instruction - after coming to the machine, employees receive information on how the process will proceed
4. Protective masks - additional protection for the face and protection against face contact with goggles
5. Floor mat - to designate the starting point for the application
See what the installation looks like
See case study

What do you need to get started?
Our applications work on Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2 goggles. You can find these goggles at popular Polish distributors of electronic products (x-kom, apricots, Allegro).
Create a free account on our platform and use free applications
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