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Meeting of occupational health and safety specialists - Wrocław


At the end of February, we started a series of meetings for occupational health and safety specialists in the form of a business breakfast.

During the meeting, we hosted specialists from many well-known companies, making it an event full of interesting case studies, active networking and testing of modern health and safety solutions.

The meeting was a business breakfast, during which we provided participants with a tasty treat, aromatic coffee and tea, and delicious sweets. We started it with a networking session, giving each participant the opportunity to meet others and exchange experiences and ideas.

In the next part of the meeting, EHS VR and Thermosafety presented their case study. Our guests also had the opportunity to test Thermosafety devices and take part in testing our applications using VR goggles, which allowed them to experience occupational health and safety, fire protection and First Aid training in virtual reality. Each participant could also sign up for free tests of our applications in their company and test modern solutions with the remaining group of employees.

After the official part of the meeting ended, we had a short photo session and then we integrated the entire EHS VR team, organizing a joint dinner and bowling.

Below you will find some photos from our meeting in Wrocław.

We plan to visit other places in Poland - check the schedule and sign up for a free event that your company cannot miss -

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