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lockout tagout

Lockout Tagout


All ~50 min

one part~10 min


AI speech recognition


Handtracking 2.0.


Play area 2x2m 

Specialized training for Companies 

Lockout Tagout LOTO

"Lockout Tagout" training is one of many specialized health and safety applications available on our platform. Our comprehensive set of health and safety training is an essential tool for companies whose employees perform work in production. Every year, thousands of accidents during the repair of industrial machinery result from the uncontrolled release of energy or the lack of proper protection during work. Our LOTO training courses focus on minimizing these risks by providing the practical skills and knowledge necessary to work safely on industrial machinery and equipment. Do you realize that without implementing a LOTO system, you are putting yourself at risk of a prolonged production stoppage, increasing the risk of accidents, including fatalities, and exposing your company to financial losses due to damage to production machinery? Our revolutionary virtual reality training not only reduces the risk of unwanted incidents in production, but also provides unforgettable experiences and meaningful knowledge, providing a key tool for effective health and safety training for companies.

Where will training in working at heights in virtual reality be useful?


On-the-job training manual


Periodic occupational health and safety training


Occupational health and safety thematic instructions


Initial occupational health and safety training

Training program

The training consists of 2 independent modules
Training time ~20 minutes
Test time ~ 10-15 minutes





  • The Lockout Tagut app provides interactive lessons that educate production workers about the different types of energy present in machines and show them how to properly secure them with the right safety devices and labels. A virtual instructor guides users through practical examples and simulations, teaching them to recognize potential hazards and effective techniques for securing machines. In this way, production workers gain the necessary knowledge and skills.

  • The testing part of the Lockout Tagut training enables production workers to perform machine security themselves, allowing them to practice and hone their skills in a realistic environment. Through interactive tasks and tests, the app tests production workers' skills in properly securing machines, allowing them to identify areas for further improvement.

Join the innovators

A platform used by many small and large businesses, including:
EHS VR customers list


Sefety Day 

​Organize safety days in virtual reality


We offer initial and periodic health and safety training with the possibility of obtaining a certificate


Follow the instructions at any time


Training tailored to employees of each industry

Team Building

Use VR technology for team building and collaboration

Diversification of Training

Add variety to your training with a variety of scenarios

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